Smokehouse Restaurant Includes Building, Business and Inventory

Business Description

Asking price includes building, business and inventory. There are also five independant residential dwellings totally separate from the business that are being sold as well. This is a great opportunity to own a licensed restaurant with a great location in the heart of the town. Established in 2018 this traditional smokehouse serves great barbeque and delicious smoked meats. It's unique to the area, has a casual and relaxed atmosphere, and includes a patio and picnic area. High quality cooks, servers and bartenders are already on staff and the current owners are willing to stay for a determined period of time to assist the new owners with training. Financial assistance is available for qualified buyers. Please contact your broker at 1-866-766-1566 for more information.


Business Category: Food Services and Drinking Places
Location: Newfoundland/Labrador, Atlantic Canada
Financing: Available
Status: New

Financial Information

Asking Price: $ 2,500,000
Gross Revenue: On request
SDE: On request
FF&E (included): On request
Inventory: On request
EBITDA: On request
Down payment: On request
Occupancy Cost: On request

Business Presented By
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