Fleet Management and Repair Business for Sale

Business Description

An attractive, turnkey and profitable service business for immediate sale. Business provides on-site (oil& gas) maintenance services. This includes heavy duty hydraulic equipment, cranes and trucks. This mobile business also includes loyal clientele and a loaded truck of supplies. It is undoubtedly an excellent potential for growth and increased profits. The owner is willing to provide full support and is willing to stay on to help the new owner expand in the new role.


Business ID: CALG0009
Business Category: Specialty Trade Contractors
Location: Alberta, Calgary Region, Calgary
Financing: Available
Status: Available

Financial Information

Asking Price: $ 78,000
Gross Revenue: $ 168,907
SDE: $ 49,218
FF&E (included): $ 46,779
Inventory: On request
EBITDA: On request
Down payment: On request
Occupancy Cost: On request

Business Presented By
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