This retail business located in a thriving southern Alberta community specializes in a wide array of vaping products, smoking accessories, and lifestyle goods designed for smokers and enthusiasts. Offering an extensive selection ranging from premium vapes and pipes to smoking paraphernalia and unique canvassed art, the shop caters to diverse customer needs. Unlike other local businesses that primarily focus on vaping, this shop stands out by providing a comprehensive range of smoking-related products, ensuring a broader appeal. Known for its exceptional customer service, competitive pricing, and rewarding loyalty program, the business has earned strong customer loyalty. Its brand is built on quality, variety, and fostering a sense of community. A leader in its local market, the business remains profitable by staying ahead of industry trends, engaging in community outreach, and upholding a high standard of service. Transition support and training will be provided by the current owners. Do not miss this unique opportunity to own a thriving business in a dynamic and growing industry. Contact us today!
Business ID: CALG0039
Business Category: Miscellaneous Store Retailers
Location: Alberta, Southern Alberta
Status: New
Year Established: 2020
Franchise: No
Number of Employees: 1
Asking Price: $ 275,000
Gross Revenue: $ 425,180
SDE: $ 120,350
FF&E (included): $ 19,000
Inventory: $ 50,000