Distributor automatic beverage measuring equipment

Business Description

This company distributes automatic beverage measuring equipment. Customers are located mainly in the province of Quebec and the USA with some customers in the Maritimes. The company is profitable and is capable of being grown to a much larger size. The seller is willing to stay on as a consultant for one or two years as desired by the new owner. For further information please contact Michael MacIntyre at 514 979 7224 or [email protected] == Cette société distribue des équipements de mesure automatique de boissons. Les clients sont situés principalement dans la province de Québec et aux États-Unis avec quelques clients dans les Maritimes. L’entreprise est rentable et pourrait atteindre une taille beaucoup plus grande. Le vendeur est prêt à rester consultant pendant un ou deux ans, selon le souhait du nouveau propriétaire. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter Michael MacIntyre au 514 979 7224 ou [email protected]


Business ID: MWIS0025
Business Category: Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods
Location: Quebec, Montreal, West Island
Financing: Available
Status: New

Company Information

Year Established: 1996
Franchise: No
Number of Employees: 3

Financial Information

Asking Price: $ 295,000
Gross Revenue: $ 609,000
SDE: $ 139,155
FF&E (included): $ 10,000
Inventory: $ 120,000
EBITDA: $ 139,135
Down payment: On request
Occupancy Cost: On request

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