Company specializing in Industrial/Commercial/Condos Garage Door Maintenance, repair and installation

Business Description

With a solid reputation built over its many years of existence, this profitable company serves a repetitive customer base it has gained through quality and excellent customer service. The company has a significant base of recurring income from the maintenance and repair of garage doors for the faithful commercial and industrial customers they serve. Other income comes from the sale and installation of new garage doors. The company is ready to be transferred to a new owner; employees' expertise and a transition period which can costumed to the necessary period of time required by the buyer, will enable a successful transition.


Business Category: Repair and Maintenance
Location: Quebec, Montreal, Montreal

Status: New

Financial Information

Asking Price: $ 1,095,000
Gross Revenue: $ 1,800,000
SDE: $ 350,000
FF&E (included): On request
Inventory: On request
EBITDA: $ 290,000
Down payment: On request
Occupancy Cost: On request

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