Mechanical repair garage with fleet business in Montreal

Business Description

Joseph Harrel Presents: Well established automotive repair shop in affordable location with excellent clients including government fleets repairs. If you are an experienced mechanic or garage operator this opportunity is for you. For further details reply in confidence to Joseph Harrel at [email protected] or 514-927-3585 Joseph Harrel présente : un atelier de réparation automobile bien établi dans un emplacement abordable avec d'excellents clients, y compris des réparations de flottes gouvernementales. Si vous êtes un mécanicien ou un garagiste expérimenté, cette opportunité est pour vous. Pour plus de détails, répondez confidentiellement à Joseph Harrel à [email protected] ou au 514-927-3585


Business ID: MWIS0006
Business Category: Repair and Maintenance
Location: Quebec, Montreal, Montreal

Company Information

Year Established: 1999
Franchise: No
Number of Employees: 5

Financial Information

Asking Price: $ 198,000
Gross Revenue: $ 500,000
SDE: $ 75,000
FF&E (included): $ 100,000
Inventory: On request
EBITDA: On request
Down payment: On request
Occupancy Cost: On request

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