Well established, profitable and diversified business. Landscaping services, lot maintenance and construction, snow removal and sanding services. Owner is ready to retire. Business has been around for nearly 12 years. Some contract landscaping and snow removal clients and lots of repeat business. Owner will train & assist with the transition. This asset sale will include all equipment needed and two full time staff (outside the owner) who are expected to remain on. The price includes the real estate the business operates out of (2,160 sf industrial condo) however the owner would be willing to potentially to remove the building and do sale of the business alone with a lease on the property. Commercial Real Estate Licensed by W Real Estate.
Business ID: REGI0048
Business Category: Other Services (except Public Administration)
Location: Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan
Financing: Not Available
Status: New
Year Established: 2012
Franchise: No
Number of Employees: 3-5
Asking Price: $ 1,229,000
Gross Revenue: $ 683,970
SDE: $ 247,398
FF&E (included): $ 300,000
Inventory: On request
EBITDA: $ 247,398
Down payment: On request
Occupancy Cost: On request