Planning to Exit from your Business?
Get a Business Valuation.
A key to a productive and personally satisfying exit from your business is to plan the exit from your business in advance.
If you are not ready now but are considering exiting your business sometime over the next 2-5 years, we can help you understand the current value of your business and what you can do to improve the value by the time you are ready to sell.
Contact one of our local Sunbelt Business Broker’s to discuss a completing a Business Valuation that will help you make informed decisions about your future.
What is my business worth?
As a business owner you want to know what your business is worth. Unlike some valuations, ours focuses on what your business is likely to sell for; in other words, what you can reasonably expect to exit with. Our Business Valuation Analysts are exceptionally well trained, certified, and have access to the best in technology and resources. They are complemented by the experience and skills of the Sunbelt Business Brokers.
As a business owner you not only want to know what your business is worth before you make a decision to go to market, but you also want to know what the value drivers are so that you have the option of increasing value of your business before you sell.
There are Other Reasons to Have a Business Valuation
We have completed numerous Business Valuations for reasons other than taking a business to market. Often our Business Valuations have helped partners determine the value of the business, for one to buy out the other, or for a family succession. They are often required when there is a divorce or death of a shareholder. Business Valuations are also helpful anytime there is a dispute or the value of the business must be clarified.
One area that business owners’ often overlook is tax planning for their exit. If you are considering the sale of your business within the next 3 to 5 years, we highly recommend getting a Business Valuation completed and getting advice from your financial and tax advisors so that you can be properly prepared to exit the business on your terms and be positioned to maximize your after-tax proceeds.
Contact us today to discuss the best approach for you!