We are discriminating about the businesses we offer and our business brokers have the experience, market knowledge and resources to help you find the right business to meet your needs. When you are working closely with a Sunbelt representative, you may even discover new opportunities before they are in the public domain.
Most business buyers who come to us do not know what they want. Our job in the early stages is to help you clarify your vision. Once you have a clearer idea of what you want to do with your life, your broker will help you make it a reality.
You may start out with a particular type of business in mind based on information you have read or seen online. But be prepared to consider something different if another existing or emerging opportunity presents itself and that option better suits your interests, talents, and financial expectations.
If the right business hasn’t materialized, it’s likely your broker will find it in the near future. Trust the process.
Purchase a business that you will enjoy
Make sure that the day-to-day effort you’ll be putting into your business will be fun for you-be realistic when you assess what you enjoy, your personal goals for the coming years, your personal strengths and your weaknesses. Getting up every morning and being excited about the coming day makes the work load seem light.
To choose the right business, you will still need to answer these key questions:
- Can you see yourself in the business?
- Is there a sound financial foundation?
- What are the opportunities and threats?
- Can you see ways to create value?
- Will the seller provide financing for a portion of the purchase price?
- Will you have enough cash-sufficient operating capital in addition to the down payment?
There is no perfect business-only some that are better for you than others. The key is to find the right “opportunity” for you to make it your perfect business. Sunbelt can help you find and buy that business.