You have put a lot into your business and wonder if Sunbelt Canada sells businesses like yours? You can read further to appreciate the range of businesses that we sell. Once you have done that, the best start is to contact one of our local offices and have a confidential discussion about your business. You will also have the opportunity to share how your business stands out as each business is unique.
Sunbelt Business Brokers Canada sells businesses in the small to small-mid market, that means we work with businesses that typically sell from $250K to $10s of millions. We have been selling businesses for 20 years and operate offices across Canada, we have sold many businesses across the range of selling price, geography, and likely many businesses in industries the same as, or like yours.
We welcome your call and being able to discuss your business.
Which of our Buyers does your Business Suit?
If you have a business that is large enough to be a good add on/acquisition for a larger company or would be a good investment for a buying group, we are well connected, have the experience, and bring the depth to advise and guide a significant transaction.
If your business is suited to a buyer looking to for a quality small business where they can earn a good living and use their abilities to continue to grow the business, we have a large pool of talented buyers.
The range of industries covered is overly broad and takes in logistics, manufacturing, trades, restaurants, business services, professional services, training, hospitality, health care, personal care, building restoration services, automotive, equipment rental, retail, architects, engineering and many more…